Kind touches

In every order, we provide a fur cutting, forget me not seeds, a tea candle light and black wrist band.

We light the tea candle at the same time as we cremate your pet so you have a memory connection to their final moments. Many of our customers then light this until it no longer remains as part of saying a final goodbye.

Our black wrist bands help people notice that you are grieving. They are also designed that you can wear them until they naturally drop off, as a way to also help you put a line under the grieving process and start to move forward.

This is a great time to plant the forget me not seeds, so that your memories of your pet can become a celebration of their life and a positive memory.

See our services

Kind People

Kind is a friendly professional company run by a team of caring individuals. Started by Sally, she comes from a fundraising background and goes everywhere with her dog Snoopy. She lives in the Berkshire countryside and can be found weekly not winning the pub quiz in her village.